Newborn Care

We Care

Newborn Baby

The birth of a newborn baby is an incredible feeling. While on the one hand, the infant’s parents try their best to understand their baby’s needs, on the other hand, the transition to life outside the womb is also quite strenuous for the baby.

Newborns requiring intensive care are usually admitted to a special area of ​​the hospital called the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The NICU has all the advanced medical equipment and doctors trained to provide the specialized medical or nursing care required by these little people.

Follow-Up Of High Risk Neonates:

Some infants discharged from the NICU have certain high-risk factors that they need to be monitored regularly because they are at risk for developmental and growth delays. These babies need to be watched closely so that any problems can be detected and treated at an earlier stage. These high risk factors include:


We Create A Healthy Tomorrow For Our Children And Their Families

We Care

High Risk Neonates

  • Pregnancy 32 weeks or less
  • Birth-weight 1500 gm or less
  • Severe IUGR (Birth-weight less than 3rd centile for gestation)
  • Artificial ventilation for >5 days
  • Seizures in infancy
  • Intraventricular hemorrhage grade 3 or more
  • Neonatal encephalopathy
  • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy stage 2 or 3
  • Jaundice requiring blood transfusion
  • Developmental disorders of the central nervous system
  • Neonatal meningitis
  • Recurrent or refractory hypoglycemia in infancy
  • A stormy early childhood course with a pediatrician's concern about the baby's growth and development was observed.