Photo Therapy

Light Therapy

What Is Phototherapy?

Phototherapy is a medical treatment that uses light to treat certain conditions, particularly neonatal jaundice, skin disorders, and some types of depression. In newborns, phototherapy is commonly used to reduce high levels of bilirubin in the blood, which can cause jaundice. The baby is placed under special blue-spectrum lights that help break down bilirubin so it can be excreted from the body.

In dermatology, phototherapy is used to treat skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo by exposing affected areas to controlled ultraviolet (UV) light. Different types of phototherapy include UVB therapy, PUVA therapy (psoralen plus UVA), and LED light therapy. This treatment works by slowing the excessive growth of skin cells, reducing inflammation, and improving skin appearance. Phototherapy is typically administered under medical supervision to ensure the right dosage and prevent side effects such as burns or premature aging of the skin.


Phototherapy: A Time-Tested Light-Based Treatment

Intensive therapy

Photo therapy Uses for Newborns

  • For more than 60 years, light therapy has been used to treat hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice. These conditions cause a baby’s skin, eyes, and body tissues to turn yellow. The yellow color is caused by an excess of bilirubin, a pigment formed when red blood cells degrade.
  • Light reduces the baby’s bilirubin levels. It breaks down the bilirubin so that the baby’s body can properly eliminate it.
  • Light therapy is used to treat jaundice in two ways. The baby is usually placed under halogen or fluorescent lights. The baby’s eyes are covered during the phototherapy treatment to protect the retinas.
  • Another method is to use “biliblankets.” The blankets contain fiber-optic cables that emit blue light onto the baby’s body. This method is most commonly used when babies are born prematurely or when other treatments have been exhausted.
  • Compact fluorescent lights and blue LED devices are also used to provide phototherapy to babies. Because they do not generate a lot of heat, they can be kept close to the body.